10:30 am - 8:00 pm Open now

Library Trustees

Library Trustees

The Hollis Social Library is governed in accordance with RSA 202-A:2 by an elected Board of Trustees. Trustees are elected on a staggered schedule to three-year terms. The trustees are vested with “the entire custody and management of the Library.”

The current Library Trustees are:

Amy Kellner


(Active through 2026)

Tom JagaticVice Chairperson

(Active through 2027)

Sarah BoothTreasurer

(Active through 2027)

Jonie LaBombardSecretary

(Active through 2025)

Merle Eisman Carrus(Active through 2026)
Laurel Lang(Active through 2027)
 Jen Squires(Active through 2025)
Photographs courtesy of Lynnae Day Photography.

Meetings Minutes & Schedule

The Board of Trustees meet the second Monday of each month at 7pm from September through June in the Hollis Social Library Meeting Room.


You can contact the Board of Trustees by sending an email to: trustees@hollislibrary.org