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What’s your reading style?

Discover your next great read using NoveList Plus. Have you ever finished a great book and wanted to find more just like it? Or wanted to help your child find just the right book to read?

NoveList Plus helps readers match up with the books that are right for them and all you need is your library card. Check out NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus today!

Here are some of the great ways you can use NoveList Plus:

  1. Match Your Mood: Appeal helps you find books to match your mood — whether that’s witty, sassy, bleak, or something else. On the home screen, you’ll find pre-selected “I’m in the Mood For” combos or click on the Appeal Mixer and create your own match.
  2. Find a Read-Alike: If you just finished a book you loved, try this. Type the name of the title (or author or series) into the search bar at the top; NoveList will offer you suggestions of books, authors and/or series just like the one you loved.
  3. Browse Your Favorite Genres: Genre Browse will show you what’s new in a genre, as well as suggestions for popular subgenres. Look for it in the top menu under Browse By… Genre.
  4. Just-Right Books: If you’re looking for a specific reading level, go the Advanced Search page where you’ll be able to search for books based on grade, Lexile score, or Accelerated Reader level. Match the right book to your reader.
  5. Don’t Forget the Audiobooks: A narrator’s voice matters, and you can search for specific audio styles. Get started by clicking on the Browse By… Audiobooks menu at the top.